
Two Great Things From Our Friends In SLC


The first thing from SLC is a great Open Streets Event in Downtown Salt Lake. There is a planning meeting happening tomorrow and the event is happening on May 4th. Here is the info straight from Facebook;

Residents and downtown business owners are invited to find out details of the event and share their ideas for programs and activities – join us on Thursday, Feb. 7 from 4 to 7 Squatters Pub – 147 W Broadway, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.

If you are a resident or business owner in Salt Lake I highly recommend that you go and add to the event planning and ideas. They also have a great page set up to educate you on Open Streets and the idea of Ciclovias if you missed the Rock and Roll in Provo last year on Center Street.

The second awesome thing from Salt Lake is this great little video done by DowntownSLC. The video features rider Tim Jones and his bicycle adventures of returning a book to the library. If you follow the video to YouTube there are a few other ‘I am Downtown’ videos you can check out for inspiration to make your own Downtown Provo bicycle commercials.

A big thanks to Tom Millar at SaltCycle for the tip off’s.





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