Yesterday, Salt Lake starting put up new bike corrals in front of some of the city’s most popular gathering places.
Business owners are eager to have the removable corrals in front of their shops and restaurants. Interested businesses can apply through the city and receive a corral that allows 10 cyclists to park in the place of one car.
According to The Salt Lake Tribune, the new corrals have been so good for business that even Salt Lake City Councilman Luke Garrott wasn’t able to find an open bike stall outside of Squatters yesterday:
“Once he found a separate spot to lock up in a park strip, Garrott said the beauty of the program is giving cyclists a secure and simple option.
“It seems to be a good trade for business,” he added. “You bring in more people. Ten people on bikes instead of one car — it makes a lot of sense.”
While Provo doesn’t have a bike corral option yet, the Provo Bicycle Committee has been working on a proposal to bring artistic bike racks to favorite local businesses in the downtown area.
photo credit: seafaringwoman
Soon Provo, soon.