What has the Provo Bicycle Committee been up to this year? More than you’d imagine. Throughout 2011, they’ve hosted multiple events, meetings, and educational forums almost every week of the year. Just take a look at their end of year newsletter:
This year has been both very successful and very busy for the Provo Bicycle Committee. We are excited to announce that Provo is a little bit safer and a little bit friendlier for those who travel on two wheels. We are grateful to the wonderful city staff that we get to work with on a constant basis. It is with their support and vision that our great city becomes even better. We would also like to thank all of the businesses, shcools, Scout troops, and community volunteers we have worked with this last year, and are excited to do even more with them this coming year. It is because of their involvement that we have been able to expand our community involvement and reach even more people with the good message of the bicycle. Finally, we would like to thank you the bike rider. It does not matter if you are a spandex clad speed freak or a tricycle-riding grandma, when you get on a bike you are helping make Provo a better place. Below we have bullet pointed the Committee’s biggest achievements from 2011.
- We have helped secure a $130,000 grant, and are working with Alta Planning and Provo City on a comprehensive bicycle master plan, which will include lane implementation, and funding.
- We helped facilitate a bicycle connectivity study with BYU, which has been a huge help in identifying key bicycle lane/infrastructure placement.
- The Committee worked with Parks and Rec. to place signs on the bridges along the Provo River Trail. These way-finding signs will not only help cyclists identify their location, they will help emergency responders know where to go when collisions occur at the tunnels. It is also the first step in some new bicycle way finding that will be coming to Provo soon.
- This year the Committee has participated in six bicycle safety rodeos teaching a lot of children and adults bicycle safety and rules of the road.
- We have seen new bicycle lanes go down by Seven Peaks, as well as the west side of Center Street. Not to mention numerous repairs and restriping including a sorely need entrance fix to the Provo River Trail off of 820 N.
- The Committee has done free tune-ups/safety checks on over 300 bicycles.
- We saw the Mayor’s Bike to Work Day double in size, and are hoping for the same this coming year.
- Along with Bike to Work Day the Committee organized Bike to Work Week which included tune-ups at BYU, bike in movies, rides, and clinics. Even though this year was soggy, there was a great turn out to all the events.
- This year marked the first Bike to School Week which was a HUGE success. We worked with a handful of schools here in Provo doing tune-ups, and prize give aways. One school even went so far as to have a bake sale to get more bike racks. We are pleased to announce they made enough to get two new racks!
- On the note of racks, we have been working with the city and downtown businesses to get bicycle racks installed downtown. The local design firm Rocketship is helping with all the design and material sourcing for FREE. They have some great ideas and we are hoping to have some racks rolled out in time for summer.
- Over 3000 Provo Ride Guides have been printed out and distributed. That is 3000 more riders and drivers educated on the rules of the road. We are looking to increase that number considerably with the New Year.
As you can see, we were not kidding about being busy and these are just the big highlights. We left out all the conferences we presented at and most of the events we hosted. With this coming new year, we do not see things slowing down, which is great. There are more riders on the road than ever and there are more bicycle groups and events than we can keep up with.
As this New Year approaches with new opportunities and new challenges, we would like to ask two things of you. First, ride your bike more. Think of car trips you can replace with your bicycle, get out and ride with some of these new groups and planned rides. If you do not see a group or ride that catches your fancy, start one of your own and let us know about it. Second, get involved. We know this kind of goes with number one, but we want to stress the importance of it. The Committee is made up entirely of volunteers, and we could use your help. We can always use another pair of hands and some fresh thoughts, so please feel free to come out to the meetings. Even if you do not want to come to meetings let us know if there is anything that needs to be done. While we pride ourselves of being aware of all the neighborhoods, trails, and lanes in Provo, we do not live and ride in all of them everyday. Your input could make the difference between a certain street or area being safe or not. Again, thank you for your support this last year, and we look forward to working together this coming year in making Provo a safer place not just for bicycles, but for all road users.
Have a Happy New Year and Ride Safe,
Provo Bicycle Commitee
Thanks for getting me biking to work. It’s been a highlight of the year. And thanks for the bike! I used it to biked to work this past week. I love Rocketship and want to know more about their help with the bike racks. And let’s get some bike racks at the airport.
Thanks for the amazing work this year! Ride lots! Here’s to a year of even more biking.